macOS provisioning

Published at Apr 4, 2014


Mac OSX provisioning


  • Install Xcode
  • Install Xcode command line tools: xcode-select --install
  • Agree to Xcode license in Terminal: sudo xcodebuild -license

Sensible hacker defaults

sudo scutil --set HostName rafi-mac

Follow mathiasbynens/dotfiles and use what ever you like.


brew install 
  coreutils gnutls bash bash-completion@2 less z mas entr tmux bc 
  tmux-mem-cpu-load tmux-xpanes reattach-to-user-namespace tree 
  colordiff pstree jq urlview tcpdump nmap readline rsync aria2 
  curl unrar netcat ttyrec ttygif ttyd the_silver_searcher id3lib 
  libexif libmms faad2 terminal-notifier figlet fortune gnu-sed 
  keychain p7zip tarsnap spark exiv2 lnav ncdu calc tidy-html5 
  pngcrush watch pidof pinfo atool exif cloc gnupg grc pango bat 
  poppler icdiff git-cal git-extras pass peco ranger wget fd 
  xmlstarlet highlight shellcheck sshfs ccat editorconfig ctop 
  htop progress httpstat catimg fzf fzy ripgrep httpie pgcli 
  go node yarn zsh fish diff-so-fancy proselint subliminal yamllint 
  mpc mpv neomutt jrnl rclone resty task vit tig glyr findutils 
  kubernetes-cli helm kubectx stern gawk pineentry-mac 

brew install --HEAD ncmpcpp
brew install libcaca --with-imlib2
brew install python python@2 pipenv --with-tcl-tk
brew install git --with-curl --with-openssl
brew install vim --with-lua --with-override-system-vi
brew install aspell --with-lang-he --without-lang-de --without-lang-es --without-lang-fr
brew install --HEAD neovim
brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
brew install --HEAD itchyny/fillin/fillin itchyny/rexdep/rexdep

brew install rafi/tap/reg rafi/tap/yaml2json
brew install --HEAD diana cam

brew cask install transmission mpv atom bartender beyond-compare 
  clipy contexts dash docker iterm2 karabiner-elements keycastr licecap 
  marked slack spotify telegram typora whatsapp

Python Utilities

pip3 install --user --upgrade pipsi

pipsi install pygments
pipsi install tmuxp
pipsi install vim-vint
pipsi install --python python2.7 gcalcli

NodeJS Utilities

npm -g install tern
yarn global add jshint jsxhint stylelint markdownlint-cli sass-lint
yarn global add reveal-md jsctags resume-cli imagemin-cli
yarn global add raml-cop raml2html raml2md

Docker completion

ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/docker
ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/docker-compose

Compile neovim

git clone git://
cd neovim
make distclean
make install

GMT+3, 1:10 AM 1st dog name Bob 2nd dog named Lucy

© 2024 Rafael Bodill